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創新及科技局計劃撥出5億元推出「遙距營商計劃」(D-Biz)已經接近完成。這段時間我們成功協助香港企業建立了幾個網上購物平台,如下所示的 Hoho Deal, HKFOUR, SGMost。請留意,購物平台不是一個網店,而是一個類似Amazon 或淘寶的平台,可供不同的商家同時進駐,所以絕對罕有且超值。
市面上建立的多數是獨立的網店,相對也比較容易,但我們所建立的是真正的網上百貨商場,類似淘寶或亞馬遜,可以讓衆多的商家同時在商場裏經營和買賣,而且每個商家可以直接網上申請開店,并擁有自己獨立的後台自行管理店鋪,包括裝飾和上載商品,管理銷售訂單及送貨等。如果您有興趣在電子商務方面大展拳脚,不論是建立獨立的網店,還是一個 Marketplace, 我們都可以幫到您,用優惠的價錢令您最快達至目標。

Brand Facelift
Embrace Innovation to Drive Value
With the rapid development of technologies, the only way to win is to constantly seek changes and breakthroughs. Particularly crucial for us, since we are engaged in the technology business, thus we must continue to innovate and even subvert traditional concepts and thinking. We can confidently say that technology and innovation are our fundamentals, and to maintain the level of competitiveness, we have a young but talented and well-tested team, so that we can understand and grasp the latest development trends and help customers face the most daunting e-commerce challenges. Our mission is to contribute to the technical deployment and operational excellence of e-commerce. Our vision is to strive to become an influential force that helps companies in nearby areas develop e-commerce. Our comprehensive e-commerce solutions cover every stage of e-commerce development, providing companies large and small with more flexible options. If you want to get into the e-commerce bandwagon, and want to break through the traditional business framework, please contact us NOW, we will help you reach your goal in no time.