Total eCommerce Solutions

Total eCommerce Solutions

total solution
total empowerment
360-degree eBusiness solution

Online shopping is not as simple as establishing an online store, but rather complicated, involving many aspects. Many companies underestimated the complexity of online shopping, and eventually failed in the end. In fact, online shopping is the same as doing other business. In fact, online shopping is retail, and retail is related to the details, so every single element should be considered, and it could be a matter of success or failure.

Euginda Total eBusiness Solutions
Euginda Total eBusiness Solutions

基於本公司在電子商務行業多年所纍積的經驗,我們可以為有需要的個人或企業提供全方位的解決方案,包括揀選適合的產品和組合、市場定位、客戶群,再根據產品的特性確定網上銷售渠道,建立及維護網店,產品攝影及橫額製作,建議貨品包裝、吊牌、物流包括退貨安排,還有訂單、庫存、客服管理等等。當然,還有最重要的元素之一,數碼推廣 Digital Marketing,包括採用各種有效渠道做精準市場推廣、SEO 優化。
